AHK Workshop on Construction & Building Operation organized by energydesign (Shanghai)





On 31st Oct. 2016, energydesign (Shanghai) in cooperation with the German Chamber of Commerce in China and the German Centre (Taicang) guided an excursion on the topic “Construction & Building Operation: Owner’s self-estimation on construction cost”, moderated by Joseph van der Elst. The participants visited the brand new German Centre in Taicang, a DGNB and LEED project consulted by energydesign, to discuss the challenges and solutions owners and investors can face in the development and construction of sustainable buildings.


2016年10月31日,设能建筑咨询(上海)有限公司与德国商会共同举办了 “施工和建筑运营:建造成本的自我评估”的主题研讨会。此次活动带领与会者参观了全新投入使用的太仓德国中心,这是由设能公司的Joseph van der Elst和他的团队完成的DGNB和LEED双认证项目,同时Joseph van der Elst本人也应邀成为本次活动的主持人,与参会人员探讨在可持续建筑的建造过程中,业主方和投资方可能面临的挑战及应对办法。


